2 Flashback Friday: Mom In honor or Mother's Day I chose a photo of me and my mom. This was taken last spring in Bennett Springs, MO on a trip to visit my brother and nephew. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, MOM! (and to all the other wonderful mothers I know!) Unknown Connect with me! 2 comments: MelanieMay 6, 2011 at 3:32 PMVery sweet Alison. Beautiful pic of beautiful ladies! I really like your new blog design... cool colors!!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyJenMay 7, 2011 at 9:35 PMSweet Mama!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyAdd commentLoad more... Popular Posts News to Share/The "story" Oy! So it always seems like I am catching up on my blogging but this time I actually have something to talk about instead of just what I (an... Flashback Friday! Wow, it's been awhile, eh? After the move and getting settled, things finally started to pick up at work so I havent had a lot of time... Shopping Spree! Since I moved out of my old apartment early, my landlord gave me a refund for the half of the month I wasn't living there--nice, right? ... April Showers Bring...(edited) May CRAZINESS! I was just looking over my calendar for the month of May. Let me tell you, it's jam-packed. April 30: (not technically ... WTF Fridays I’ve seen these things on other blogs: Wordless Wednesdays, Wondrous Wednesdays, Thoughtful Thursdays, etc…so I am going to try out my own t... K Ohh the joys of Facebook! I guess I have always wanted to change my "relationship status" on Facebook but, because I've been s... The Cat's Outta the Bag! Meow! Okay, not really. My cat is most definitely not in a bag. My secret is out...I got a new job : ) Not that it was too much of a secre... 15 Days Welp, it's that time of year again. Time for me to celebrate my birthday! Even though 31 isnt so much of a milestone birthday, I have a ... Flashback Friday--Special Edition! I have been waiting all month to share today's photo! Today is Jaelynn's 2nd Birthday!! If yo udon't already know, Jae is the da... The Move I'm not going to sugar coat it, the move sucked. Big time. I never want to move again...if I do, it wil lbe when it's much, much coo... Blogs I Love (You'll love them, too!) Whatcha Makin' Now? Blind Box BBQ in Kansas City - Jacob and I are on a quest to try all the BBQ spots in Kansas City. It will probably take us 10 years but we're up for the challenge. I've had Blind Box BB... 7 years ago simplypaperie - Video of the day Blog Archive ► 2013 (2) ► October (1) ► August (1) ► 2012 (4) ► August (1) ► May (2) ► March (1) ▼ 2011 (54) ► December (1) ► November (5) ► October (1) ► September (2) ► August (1) ► July (4) ► June (11) ▼ May (6) Don't Be Hatin' Flashback Friday: Video Memories Testing... 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Very sweet Alison. Beautiful pic of beautiful ladies! I really like your new blog design... cool colors!!
ReplyDeleteSweet Mama!