I have been waiting all month to share today's photo! Today is Jaelynn's 2nd Birthday!! If yo udon't already know, Jae is the da...

Okay... I'm pretty much never wordless. I don't have any fun pictures to share so I'm just going to share some funny things that...
May CRAZINESS! I was just looking over my calendar for the month of May. Let me tell you, it's jam-packed. April 30: (not technically ...

I have so many DIY/craft projects swimming around my head and I think I finally want to start getting crafty again and finally open my own E...

Guess what? Not only is today Flashback Friday, it's my 65th post :) Happy Friday everyone and Happy Easter! It's a pretty gloomy ...

Has anyone else noticed that Bacon is making a HUGE comeback?! (Not a comeback for me, I've always been a big fan) There's maple-b...

This is one of my favorite pictures of me and my mom. Who doesn't love a nekkid baby? I was a complete water baby and loved the kiddie p...

Deciding on the flashback this week was tough. I went through a bunch of photos and realized it was around thsi time in 2009 that my brother...
I can't begin to tell you how angry this makes me... the updates are promising and I am glad he is doing better and getting stronger. I ...
Tonight on the drive home from Kevin's house, I had my iPod plugged in and was enjoying my music...then it happened.... You know what ...

It's so nice outside today that I just want to run out of my office screaming so people will think I'm crazy and wont mind if I come...
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Blind Box BBQ in Kansas City - Jacob and I are on a quest to try all the BBQ spots in Kansas City. It will probably take us 10 years but we're up for the challenge. I've had Blind Box BB...8 years ago