Running and a Biggest Loser Challenge Update

If you've known me for awhile, you should know that I LOATHE running, and have since my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Beckham, made us train for the Wichita River Run. Yeah yeah, we got new shoes from Nike for it and that was cool--I just hated that we HAD to do it. Plus, being a chubby girl, running was never really my thing.

Now that I've lost nearly 30 lbs its not only easier for me to run, I'm finding that I want to challenge myself and see if I can work my way up to a half marathon. It doesnt help that I work with a lot of people who regularly run and do half and full marathons. My ultimate goal is to do Brew to Brew with everyone this year.

Since I am NOT a runner I'm starting small with a 5K training schedule. I found a really good one from the Mayo Clinic--a 7-week training schedule that should be a good start. I want my first race to be the Lawrence 2010 Shamrock Shuffle, which is March 6th. Just enough time to get a good start on my training. After that I will be well on my way to running a leg in the Brew to Brew run on April 11. For those of you not familiar with the B2B, its a 44-mile run you can do solo or on a relay team (the way to go in my non-runners opinion). Wish me luck...

Many of you also know that I am participating in the P&C Biggest Loser Challenge. It has been interesting...this is the last week and I am going into it in 2nd place behind Dave. Last week Jerry came out of nowhere, leap-frogged Doug to put himself in 3rd place right behind me. Here's the breakdown:
Dave--6% body weight lost
Me--5.77% body weight lost
Jerry--5.2% body weight lost
Doug--5% body weight lost
Susie and Patrick--between 2 and 3% body weight lost.

So, as you can see, its a close race. I am proud of myself for hanging with the guys at the top since everyone knows its harder for women to lose weight. The final weigh in is February 12th or 15th--it was supposed to be Feb 12 right before the Annual P&C "Heartburn" (Valentine's Day Chili Cook-Off) but now that is in question and it might be rescheduled for the 15th..the weigh in, not the chili cook-off.

I'm hoping starting the 5K training tomorrow (Feb 8) will help with the weigh in.

So thats all.. Wish the Colts could have won the SB, but the right team won..way to go, Saints.


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  1. Way to go!! I'm so proud of you and admire you for starting a new challenge for yourself! I think I would die if I tried to run even a mile right now!

  2. For the love of all that is good and holy, please stretch (a lot) before you run.

    Good luck! I'm sure you will do great!
